Distant Healing 5 Session Package


Distant Reiki is a standard Reiki technique, in use since the time Reiki was founded. During a Distant Reiki session, you receive Reiki without the physical presence of the Practitioner. This method is based on the perception that we are all energy, and are connected beyond time and space.

Distant healing is open to all and can be purchased at our online store.

Your Reiki Australia Membership Discount Price $195.00
Proceed to the Member Portal to Buy 


Would you like to receive distant healing (sometimes known as absent healing)? Reiki Australia operates a Distant Reiki Program run by our wonderful Reiki volunteers.

Introducing our new 5 Session package!

More information:

Distant Reiki is a standard Reiki technique, in use since the time Reiki was founded. During a Distant Reiki session, you receive Reiki without the physical presence of the Practitioner. This method is based on the perception that we are all energy, and are connected beyond time and space.

Five Reiki sessions across 21 days is recommended. This will boost your energy and ignite a healing process across your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Your Reiki Practitioner will discuss your self-care throughout this process with you.

Treatment will last 30 minutes and a brief report will be provided to the client at the end of the session. Each Reiki treatment will be performed by Reiki Australia members who have been checked and authorised to do Distant Treatments and have approved Reiki Level Two certification.

Distant healing is open to all and can be purchased at our online store.

Your Reiki Australia Membership Discount Price $195.00 ($39/30min session)

Non-member price $245 ($49/30min session)

Proceed to the Member Portal to Buy

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