The 5 Principles of Reiki: Body, Mind & Ki

By Body, Mind & Ki

The 5 Principles of Reiki, life’s gentle reminders.

The 5 Principles of Reiki are principles to live by. They remind you to live a peaceful, mindful life. You can keep them nearby as a gentle reminder, repeat them to yourself when times feel tough or read them when you lose your sense of self.

I have them written in the back of my workbook. I look at them before I start my day and when my thoughts and emotions seem to run amok. You can read them frequently or simply when you need a reminder. The method you choose is personal, there is no right or wrong!

Reading these daily or having them written down doesn’t mean they are easy principles to live by. They are reminders that we are always on a journey of self-improvement and that our journey is a mindful one.

1. Just for today, I will not worry…


It makes us sick, it can make us rude or edgy. We tend to worry endlessly. More often than not, we worry over things we absolutely can not control or things that haven’t even happened yet. This worry puts a block in our ki and prevents its steady flow. Not worrying is a tough one and it’s OK to have to remind yourself not to. When you find yourself awake at night worrying or fretfully replaying something in your head, remind yourself that worrying will not change the situation. Worrying can, however, cause you to loose sleep, react negatively or become irritable and ill! Instead, say or read the 5 principles and let yourself let go of the worry. Have faith that things will work out as they are meant to. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will happen the way you want them to, but they will work out regardless of how much, or little, you worry over it!

Everything happens for a reason, remember to learn from it.

2. Just for today, I will not be angry

We get angry, emotions happen. Following principle #1 will help with this one! Worry less – anger less! At some point or another we all feel anger. Anger is a natural reaction to some circumstances or situations that life throws our way. It is important to control our reactions when we feel angry. Reacting out of anger typically results in feeling out of control, sickness and a lose of sense of self. It can come with various physical as well as mental symptoms.

3. Just for today, I will be grateful

Can’t think of something to be grateful for? Sure, I get it. Sometimes it just seems that everything is going wrong! The light at the end of the tunnel seems to be fading.

Go back to the basics and regroup – you are alive! Now you have these 5 principles. Start with being grateful for those handy little reminders. Go back to #1. Worry less and remind yourself that you do have things to be grateful for.

Today, I will be grateful for being ME!

4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly

Don’t be dishonest – Don’t lie. Something we are taught from youth. This principle isn’t just about being truthful. It’s about integrity! Be consistent in who you are. Get up and go. Don’t procrastinate. Do your work, live your life and do so with strong moral principles that do not waiver.

5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing

Be kind – not so easy when we are feeling stressed, worried, when life seems to have bitten us in the behind! Ever make a snark comment or say something without thinking and then it hits you? OH! That was rude! It happens.

Be mindful. Greet people with a smile, especially when you are having a bad day. Just a smile will instantly make your interaction more pleasant, and brighten everyone’s day. 🙂

You’ll feel better for it.

You won’t regret being kind. You do regret rude comments, intended or not.

Be Mindful – Be kind

Reading these 5 principles will not change your life today, but it is a start. Living by these principles are a reminder to find joy in the little things in life.

A reminder that even on the bad days, there are many more good ones.

Find a small joy in your hardest day. Go back to the principles, start with #1. It will improve your mood, relationships and overall, it will change your life!

Amy Squires
Body, Mind & Ki

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