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All Reiki Australia members in the Practitioner category and above are committed to raising the benchmark on Reiki treatment practice and meet the highest standards. They are each bound by a Code of Ethics and have current Insurance and First Aid certificates as well as a demonstrated lineage stretching back to Mikao Usui. Reiki Australia professional practitioner members must also meet a range of Continuous Development Points (CPD) each year. Our accredited members have completed one unit or more of Reiki Australia’s course – Professional Development for Reiki Treatment.
Reiki Australia is made up of members from all over Australia, from the the bush to the bay, main cities to rural communities. Brisbane-Adelaide-Sydney-Gold Coast-Newcastle-Hobart-Darwin-Perth-Sunshine Coast-Melbourne-Alice Springs and many more.
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Japan Trip 2025- 4th to 18th of November 2025
15-day Reiki Journey to Japan 2025: Accompany us to the most important places in Reiki history and sightseeing highlights along the way.
Enjoy our 2-day Reiki retreat, a visit to Mount Kurama, a Shinto blessing ceremony at the shrine in Usui’s birthplace Taniai, a Zazen meditation workshop at Mt. Hiei, a Shakyo calligraphy workshop in Kyoto, an exchange meeting with Japanese Reiki practitioners and, health permitting, the 90th anniversary celebration of Reiki Master Hiroshi Doi.
For more information or to book your placement with Holistica please go to our website:
Here is a link to the tour description and itinerary:
This is a paid Advertisement with Reiki Australia. For more information about how you can advertise with us email
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