Natural Law

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers – past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.

Namaste: The Spirit in me, Sees the Spirit in You

Breakthrough. Rebirth. Emergence.

A process of maturation has taken place and you are not who you were 12-months ago. This rite of passage is a natural, developmental process, that, through the elements of story, challenges-ordeals, visioning and honouring, a permanent shift in the psyche has occurred – where you now journey the world, through new eyes.

The pattern of destruction and creation, is the natural cycle of life. To create our deepest yearnings, we must become empty and enter the void. The dark space where all light is born. To do this, we must cease to micro-manage every detail of life. We must have a break from routine and ‘to-do lists’ and enjoy unstructured creative time – where there is no pre-defined goal or outcome. We must allow ourselves to be bored and to feel aimless.

The 5D paradigm does not host our 3D constructs of gender, race, success/failure, good/bad and rich/poor, for example. The new paradigm holds all of these as NEUTRAL.

The key is to stay in the flow, and enjoy regular, unstructured creative time to help you tap-out of the 3D ways of thinking, knowing and doing. Even if you are meditating, swimming in the ocean, dancing, writing poems and other ‘healthy’ activities, if you are only doing these on a schedule/roster/routine, and feeling fear, guilt and failure if you don’t ‘measure up’ you are operating from the 3D construct.

Flow. Each day. Each hour. Each minute. Practice emptying yourself and allowing the creative force to unleash through you. To guide your next divine step. To trust that whatever you are guided to do, is exactly what is required and, in that moment, nothing else matters. What will it take to submit to the void? What would it feel like to swim blindly, in the dark nothingness?

It’s time to up-level and it will happen rapidly AND with ease, if you stay conscious and focused on becoming the channel for the divine, creative energy to flow through you and guide your next steps.

This is not a rational process! Drop the mind. Empty the vessel (body). Channel the creative energy. Trust.

For the Highest Good of All,

Helene Collard

Yemaya Centre

Yemaya Centre for Reiki and Wellbeing

Helene Collard is a first generation Australian, with ancestral roots in the island of Mauritius. She is a qualified and experienced trauma-aware, culturally-fit, strengths-based facilitator (B. Trauma&Healing: Indigenous Studies (Law&Justice)), Reiki Teacher & Practitioner, and has completed Leadership Training Levels 1 and 2 with the Rites of Passage Institute. Helene has been designing and facilitating wellbeing workshops since 2009 – including Moon Circles, Secondary Trauma and Self-care Workshops, Reiki Circles, Reiki Courses, Reiki Meditation Events, Evolve Events, Women’s Vision Ceremony and more. In 2016, Helene founded the Yemaya Centre for Reiki and Wellbeing, in Lismore, NSW, which continues to offer an array of holistic wellbeing services and support to the community. From 2017-2021, Helene worked as Lead Facilitator for Aboriginal Trauma-informed organisation, We Al-li. Helene has delivered workshops in metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia, including in NSW, Qld, Vic, NT, WA & SA. Helene has also presented at conferences, forums and staff development days. Outside of work, Helene has two children which keep her laughing and active, a supportive partner, and a large extended family who mostly live in Melbourne, where Helene grew up. Not surprisingly then, Helene is a lifelong and vocal supporter of the Collingwood Football Club, and is a great lover of music and the arts. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.