Lifetime Membership
Life membership acknowledges the highest level of contribution to Reiki Australia. Select Members are invited to accept this honour.
Life members pay no membership fees for life. Life members may be any category of membership, but must still meet the requirements associated with each category.
Lifetime Members

Lynette Kirkman
Lynette was Reiki Australia’s founding Executive Director when in 2000, a group of Reiki people came together in Sydney, with a shared vision: to have Reiki treatment valued as a credible, reputable health care choice.
A project team was formed, and Lynette became the driving force in the actions that led, via widespread national consultation and the delivery of two national conferences, to the establishment of the Usui Reiki Practitioner Association (URPA), the name of which was changed in 2004 to Reiki Australia.
Lynette served on the Board as the Executive Director until 2009, and her influence is reflected in the Mission, Values and Culture of the organisation

Annabel Muis
Annabel joined Reiki Australia in 2003, and due to her considerable experience in competency-based training, she was quickly invited to join the Professional Standards/Professional Development Team. She has remained an active member of this team, including as the team leader from 2013 to the current time (2021). She contributed to the development of Reiki Australia’s governance policies, to the Certificate IV in Reiki Treatment Practice, which was nationally accredited between 2013 and 2018, and to the 6-unit certificate course, Professional Development for Reiki Treatment, for which she is also a course facilitator.
Annabel served as the Board Chair for seven years, until she reached the mandatory retirement age for directors (RA Constitution) in 2012. Since this time she has continued to provide advice and support when required, to subsequent Boards.
Honorary Membership
Honorary membership acknowledges a substantial contribution to Reiki Australia. Select Members are invited to accept this honour.
Honorary members pay no membership fee for Associate Membership level each year. If the member wishes to take up a higher level membership, they must pay the difference (less Associate fee).
Current Honorary Members

Brenda Crandall
Brenda joined RA in 2018 and began volunteering at the Nambour Queensland office. In those early years, she worked within the Membership Team, initially led by Coralea Mackison (former Operations Manager) and enjoyed working alongside fellow Members including Carol, Carolyn, Debbie, and Sofia.
Benda’s role in the team contributed significantly to her personal growth and fulfillment. Her volunteering was driven by gratitude for Reiki healing in her life and a desire to support RA’s Mission, Vision and Values.
She played a key role during RA’s transfer from the physical office in Nambour in 2019 to the online platform known as the Member Portal.
Brenda values the friendships and interactions with many Members that helped her face challenges along the way and working with RA Member volunteers has been both a pleasure and an honour for her.
Brenda’s message to Members is that RA has been supported by thousands of volunteer hours since its founding over 20 years ago. She encourages all Members to consider their own strengths and skills and how they could use these to enjoy a volunteer role, connection with amazing fellow Members and experience the achievement of being of benefit to others.
Brenda has expressed her gratitude to the Board of Directors, Executive, and all Members for their support, friendship and nourishment and appreciates the recognition and appreciation that comes with this Honorary Membership.

Lindy Hou
Lindy has a degenerative eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, and by 1996 she had become legally blind. She won six medals in the 2004 and 2008 Paralympic Games in tandem cycling, and in 2005 received an OAM for services to sport.
As a member of Reiki Australia, the performance of Lindy and her then guide dog Harper was followed enthusiastically by Reiki Australia during these events.

Wendy Watson
Wendy was part of the project team that between 2000 and 2004, undertook the work that led to the establishment of Reiki Australia. She was a Director from 2005 to 2016, and was the Board Chair from 2013 to 2016. While on the Board she was also a member of the Professional Standards/ Professional Development Team, was the team leader for much of this time, and is still (2021) on the PDT in an advisory role. She made a significant contribution to the development of Drafts 1 and 2 of the original Certificate IV in Reiki Treatment Practice, to the subsequent qualification, which was nationally accredited in 2013, and to Reiki Australia’s non-accredited certificate course, Professional Development for Reiki Treatment.
Wendy’s background in science and pathology, plus several decades of practice as a specialist homeopath, gave her a strong framework in standards for client safety which naturally flowed to her public practice of Reiki and to her work with Reiki Australia.

Coralea Mackison
Coralea was an initial director of Reiki Australia, serving on the board from 2002 to 2007. She became Operations Manager in 2009, after Lynette Kirkman resigned from the Executive Director position.
For most of her time in Operations, until she left in 2018 to further her own career as a massage therapist and Reiki practitioner, Coralea also carried many of the Executive Director functions.

Marta Getty
Born in USA, Marta was a student of Bethal Phaigh (one of Hawayo Takata’s 22 Masters), was a Master candidate of Hawayo Takata before Takata died, and was initiated as a Master by Phyllis Furumoto.
She was the first Reiki Master ever to visit Australia, and visited many times between 2001 and 2017, teaching Reiki and conducting her workshop, ‘Healing the Family Tree with Reiki’. A number of Marta’s Reiki students including Lynette Kirkman are/were members of Reiki Australia. Marta passed away in May 2020.

Ina Clifford
Ina joined Reiki Australia in 2005, initially as a member of the Reiki Share Team. She was involved in establishing the first Reiki Share Days on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, which have continued regularly in their original location until they were stopped because of Covid 19.
Ina has been a consistent attendee, assisting with admin, contributing to afternoon tea and coffee, and other tasks. In 2012 she became National Coordinator, Reiki Share Days, and continued in this role until 2019.