The Benefits of Supporting Children Through Reiki

The Benefits of Supporting Children Through Reiki are more than I would have imagined!
I would never have imagined the impact my Reiki First Degree class was going to have on me, let alone my family.

They were all intrigued with what I was doing at the Nun’s retreat and when I got home I couldn’t wait to get my hands on everyone, especially my kids.

My son had just turned 10 and my daughter was five when I did my Level 1 class.  I immediately began practicing Reiki on them.

Knowing how much it was changing my life already, I wanted this for my husband and our children. The very next seminar my Master was holding I enrolled my son and my husband. Of course I told Greg he needed to be there to support our son;  get them there any way you can!

Only this morning I asked my son what did he remember about his first Reiki seminar. His response was, “it was the same time as the 2008 Olympics”!

After the seminar, and as we encouraged him to practice Reiki on himself every day, we saw a huge boost to his confidence. I remember sitting at his Year Six parent teacher interview, the teachers reading comments from teachers from his younger years commenting they couldn’t believe this was the same kid they taught in his younger years. Reiki had had such an impact on his life.

Moving into a passion for Rugby, Reiki was invaluable on the sidelines of the footy field. He would Reiki himself quickly during the games if he was injured somewhere, hands going immediately to the area without even thinking about it. And of course, I did tonnes of Reiki not only on him but on his team mates if they had an injury. Yep the weirdo Mum rushing to put her hands on and Reiki the injuries!


He’s now 23 and I love seeing him relaxing on the lounge with his ‘hands on’ in the Reiki positions.

The time came for our daughter to do the First Degree seminar. She was just seven at the time, although she had absorbed the Reiki from observing me when I was initiated and easily picked up on the elements. Reiki was just part of life for her. I remember walking her to school one day and I said I had a sore toe. Her response, don’t worry I’ll Reiki it for you. Using her Reiki Second Degree knowledge (unofficial and not initiated), she called in my toe to reiki and the pain in my toe immediately disappeared.

Who needs reiki training!!

However, to set the record straight, we officially trained her in Reiki First Degree.

At the time, I had a few friends and clients interested in their children joining in the class. So we held a kids seminar. What a delight to be part of that experience. They danced, they laughed and they sang at the top of their lungs.

Not a lot changed for my daughter at that time as I’m sure she was already in tune with the Reiki.

But moving forward into school life, friend challenges, life challenges both of my kids turned to Reiki for support and comfort. It made me really happy knowing they had something they knew they could turn to in times of need.

I know they both love it and rely on Reiki, as they have both encouraged numerous friends (especially girlfriends/boyfriends) to join me in Reiki training so they too can have Reiki every day, and when they need it.

I couldn’t imagine my life without Reiki and it has been such an amazing support raising the kids; as we all know there is no manual for that and the Reiki certainly helped us all.

My daughter has now joined me in my Reiki practice and quite often helps me with the seminars.

My babies are both adults now, but they still turn to Reiki and use it every day…..and of course, call on Mum for some extra Reiki all the time.

Natasha Collins