Reiki and its Place in the Current World

Our current world is often filled with such turmoil that we ask ourselves what place does Reiki as a spiritual and healing practice have in such a world. A world seemingly full of war and conflict, family dissention, violence, viruses, climate change and the trials and tribulations of everyday living. It seems the busyness of […]

Natural Law

We are all self-governing. Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers – past and present, to guide us in the way of the Heart. You are all my relations. All is One. Namaste: The Spirit in me, Sees the Spirit in You Breakthrough. Rebirth. Emergence. A process of maturation has taken place and […]

Interview with Member, Dave Cochrane

Interview with Reiki Australia Member, Reiki Master, Dave. Dave Cochrane is an 83-year-old Reiki Master with a difference! He is an inspiration to his students and his community. Dave has touched many lives during the journey of his lifetime thus far. Dave lives in Adelaide and was once a removalist with a very busy business. […]

Distant (Distance) Reiki Healing: Across time and space

Distant Reiki Healing

What is Distant Reiki Healing? So, you’re thinking of adding Distant Reiki Healing to your health plan but you’re not quite sure what to do or, expect! Reiki meaning Let’s start with Reiki healing itself, what is it? Reiki is a natural healing technique which promotes relaxation and accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal […]

The Benefits of Supporting Children Through Reiki

Reiki and Children

The Benefits of Supporting Children Through Reiki are more than I would have imagined! I would never have imagined the impact my Reiki First Degree class was going to have on me, let alone my family. They were all intrigued with what I was doing at the Nun’s retreat and when I got home I […]