Reiki and the Importance of Self Practice

Reiki practitioners and students alike will find that self-practice is a very important part of their lifestyle if they are going to make the most of their Reiki skills. The reason is that Reiki, as well as being a wonderful way to heal others, is a great way to make sure that we, personally, are on track, balanced and spiritually connected. 

I started self-practice out of necessity when I found my body was not responding to natural and allopathic medicine during menopause. Menopause played hell into me with not only irregular menstruation but nose bleeds three times a week. It brought with it too many trips to the hospital to stop the bleeding. It was that bad. Until I decided I would divorce myself from my responses and be my own patient. Through the right natural supplements, reiki and a few lifestyle changes within a few short weeks the bleeding slowed down and even all the other symptoms stopped. Since that time self-reiki has played an important role in my life and I advocate it for my students. 

Why should we not look after ourselves as well as we look after our friends or loved ones? Self-practice is something that ads to your love for your work, your planet and yourself. Self-practice soothes and comforts and brings more peacefulness into your life.

Self-practice healing unity

It is very easy in our day-to-day life with all its busi-ness to overlook our self-care but with self-reiki we can also support each other. Every reiki practitioner who self-practices serves to raise the vibrations of care and love, not only for themselves, but also for the planet. It’s the same as joining a group meditation or meditating alone in the morning, in the still, wee hours, when others are doing the same. That energy, that vibration joins up and makes for a wave of unity and peace in our environment.

You can also join online practice groups these days if you don’t want to go to a reiki meeting in your area. There are communities all over the world which link up on certain nights of the week on a weekly or monthly basis and self-practice online. The idea of online self-practice is in the sense of belonging and nurturing ourselves in an environment of self-care. You can feel the sense of community and support in a self-practice reiki group. Whilst you participate in the privacy of your own space, comfortable in your own room, you can go through the reiki symbols on yourself, slowly on all the areas for the hand positions. Of course, you can always vary this for areas you feel pain or discomfort. In the quiet of those moments, you can pray or communicate spiritually, silently, in your personal spiritual practice. It is not only healing but relaxing and gives you the freedom to be in tune and experience your own being.

How your self-practice contributes to the world

Your Reiki self-practice has never been more important than now, as we face epidemics and wars, racism and division in a world that has been shaken up, especially over the last few years. All the stress and trauma we collectively experience takes its toll. Even if you live off grid you cannot divorce yourself from the impact of the negative energies in the world around you. This reason alone is a great motivator for self-practice.

The good news is the greater your self-practice, the more focussed your reiki will become. Not only for you but for your clients if you are a practitioner. When I work in a self-practice group, I can feel the energy of the group around me and the strength of belonging and feeling supported. Not a word needs to be spoken as you join up in a mission of one energy towards a set goal of healing. The good news is that you can bring people you know that need healing into that group with distant healing. Whilst I self-practice I put out to the universe and to the group the needs of those around me. Remember the law of karma as you give out the healing you also are being healed. So, feel free as you heal yourself to send your reiki symbols to those that need it. Pick a few people to ask energetically to join into the group and to send them healing. Be sure that you specify they should receive the healing when they are resting or not driving or operating essential machinery. They need the healing at a time that their focus is not needed 100% elsewhere. We are social beings and when we come together safely online with a sense of community this precious experience brings a sharing of humane values. In this way people who need it can experience the transformative power of healing though your own reiki healing self-practice.

The physiological and psychological response through self practice is also important in raising our immune function. Remember also though that you still need to do the physical and emotional things in your life to keep you healthy. Adequate sleep, move your body, eat good food etc. When the stress level is down your immune system is improved and it promotes healing and resilience for your whole body. A healthy immune system can fight many illnesses off and keep the body healthy. This can bring balance back to all of your life. So, this is why I practice self-Reiki every day and why it is so important.

About the author

Jenetta Haim is a Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Stress Management Specialist, Meditation & Mindfulness trainer, International Author, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Theta Healer, Aromatherapist, Crystal and Feng Shui practitioner and works with herbal remedies and aromatherapy.

Jenetta runs her Reiki Australia Certified Clinic in Greystanes Sydney and is contactable on